Friday, June 12, 2020

Meaning of Ottoman Arm in CenneMeken Sultan II

Meaning  of Ottoman Arm in CenneMeken Sultan II

What is the meaning of Ottoman Arm in CenneMekan Sultan II. AbdulHamid Han term?

1- The sun pattern around tugra symbolizing the power of the State and the Padishah.

2- Abdulhamid the II's Tugra. In Arabic it writes: ''"The ruler of the Ottoman state is based on Allah's Achievement and Help''.

3- Symbolise Osman Gazi and the throne. Symbolise how tied the Ottoman's are to their roots.

4- The Flag of Caliphate.

5- Musket; It become the Ottoman Armies weapon After Nizam-ı Cedid.

6- A Unilateral halberd mostly used in ceremonies.

7- A mass pistol used by officers representing the a modernized army.

8- The Scale; A symbol of justice.

9- The Qur'an representing the law and the lawbook under it.

10- Nişan-ı Al-i imtiyaz; It's given to Islamic Alims, soldiers and administrators when they making good works for the state.

11-Nişan-ı Osmani; Founded by Sultan Abdulaziz. It's given to people who do wonder work for state.

12- The Stick and Mace. Symbolising nobility and superiority.

13- The Anchor representing the glorious Ottoman fleet.

14- The Horn of Plenty, which is rumored to represent the abundance of the Ottoman lands.

15- Nişan-ı İftihar(Pride), given to soldiers and statesmen who are known for their heroism and services.

16- The Ottoman Bow.

17- Nışan-ı Mecidi, which was given to soldiers who showed superior success in wars and had five degrees, and the lower ranks were taken back when the upper rank was given.

18- The Beem. A Modern harmonica team's music tool.

19- Şefkat (Compassion)Nişanı. It was founded by Abdulhamid II. It's given to women who serve the state at the time of war and major disaster.

20- Cannonballs representing combat strength. 

21- The Ottoman sword representing traditional Ottoman soldiers.

22- The gun symbolizing the world famous artillery hearths of the Ottoman.

23- It is not a classic Turkish sword, it is a hand guarded ceremony sword used by officers of that period.

24- The Spear identified with Turks.

25- A Two-sided battle axe used as a symbol of superiority by senior officials in the army.

26- A One side axe.

27- The Crescent-Star Flag

28- The Sanjak of the Ottomans.

29- The spear symbolizing the late spear cavalry

30- The Shield motif placed in the centre of the coat of arms. There are stars around this shield. The number of these stars is very limited to 12 times and represents 12 signs. Thus, the Ottomans are placed in the center of the universe.

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